IBIDTOWIN as a pricing process in which the seller "auctioneer" What is an IBIDTOWIN token? As I said above, IBIDTOWIN uses Blockchain technology, so there will be separate tokens, these tokens cannot be purchased, but are only given to Level-4 leaders and above. Later, IBID can grow and use its tokens to sell its shares, IPOs (like public offerings) like Amazon can do, but Leaders Level-4 and above become billionaires :)) In a decentralized market, innovation empowers speculators to manage each other rather than work from within integrated trade. Virtual markets that use decentralized cash, or forms of cryptographic money, are examples of decentralized markets. Decentralized markets use different computing tools to progressively deliver and show the cost of supply / demand. So buyers, traders, and vendors should not be placed in the same place for protection. As the world experiences monetary easing and vulnerabilities, other money-related framewor...